
This package provides helpers for setting up TinaCMS to use the Github OAuth API.


npm install --save react-tinacms-github


yarn add react-tinacms-github


The GithubClient class is used to interact with the GitHub API on the frontend, and is intended to be registered with the CMS as an External API. GithubClient takes an object of configuration data with the following structure:

interface GithubClientArgs {
  proxy: string             // URL to the API Proxy (see next-tinacms-github for an example)
  authCallbackRoute: string // OAuth Callback URL (see next-tinacms-github for an example)
  clientId: string          // Client ID for GitHub OAuth App
  baseRepoFullName: string  // Path to the GitHub repo where content is stored in the format {user}/{repo}, e.g. tinacms/

We can create and register an instance of GithubClient as follows:

import { TinaCMS } from 'tinacms'
import { GithubClient } from 'react-tinacms-github'

const githubClient = new GithubClient({
  proxy: '/api/proxy-github',
  authCallbackRoute: '/api/create-github-access-token'
  clientId: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  baseRepoFullName: process.env.REPO_FULL_NAME

const cms = new TinaCMS({
  apis: {
    github: githubClient // equivalent to cms.registerApi('github', github)

Available Properties

isForkReturns true if the repo being edited was forked from the base repo configured for the site.
workingRepoFullNameThe full name of the repo currently being edited (will refer to the fork if isFork is true)
branchNameName of the branch currently being edited

Available Methods

See also the GithubFile for easier-to-use wrappers around commit and fetchFile.

async commit(filePath, sha, fileContents, commitMessage)Creates a new commit
async fetchFile(filepath, decoded)Retrieves the contents of a file from the currently edited repo and branch
async getDownloadUrl(path)Returns a URL to download the specified file; used to display images in the CMS
async upload(path, contents, commitMessage, encoded)Uploads a file
async delete(path, commitMessage)Deletes a file
async isAuthenticated()Returns true if the user has been authenticated with GitHub, false otherwise
async isAuthorized()Returns true if the logged-in user has permission to push to the repository, false otherwise
async getUser()Retrieves data about the currently logged-in user
async getRepository()Retrieves data about the currently edited repository.
async createFork()Forks the base repo
async createPR(title, body)Creates a new pull request against the base repo
setWorkingRepoFullName(name)Changes the current repo being edited
setWorkingBranch(branch)changes the current branch being edited
async fetchExistingPR()Retrieves data about an open pull request for the current fork/branch if it exists
async getBranchList()Retrieves a list of all branches in the current repo
async createBranch(name)Creates a new branch


useGithubClient returns the GithubClient instance registered with the CMS.

function useGithubFile(): GithubClient
import { useGithubClient} from 'react-tinacms-github'

export function Page(props) => {
  const github = useGithubClient()

  React.useEffect(() => {
    console.log("Reading content from ", github.branchName)



GithubMediaStore is used to manage media over the Github API, and satisfies the MediaStore interface. GithubMediaStore should be passed an instance of GithubClient when it is created:

import { TinaCMS } from 'tinacms'
import { GithubClient, GithubMediaStore } from 'react-tinacms-github'

const githubClient = new GithubClient({
  proxy: '/api/proxy-github',
  authCallbackRoute: '/api/create-github-access-token'
  clientId: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  baseRepoFullName: process.env.REPO_FULL_NAME

const mediaStore = new GithubMediaStore(githubClient)

const cms = new TinaCMS({
  apis: {
    github: githubClient // equivalent to cms.registerApi('github', githubClient)
  media: mediaStore

Image formats for preview

Currently, the media manager and GitHub media store only supports previews for image files of the following formats: '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp', '.svg'. Other file types will show a file icon instead of an image preview in the media manager.


For a detailed guide on setting up authentication with react-tinacms-github on a Next.js site, take a look at our Next.js + GitHub guide.


The TinacmsGithubProvider component controls edit access to your site and will send unauthenticated users through the authentication flow.

TinacmsGithubProvider can be configured with custom handlers that run after a user has logged in / logged out successfully. The below example uses custom onLogin / onLogout handlers to hit custom API routes that trigger Next.js Preview Mode:

import { TinacmsGithubProvider } from 'react-tinacms-github';

const enterEditMode = async () => {
  const token = localStorage.getItem('tinacms-github-token') || null
  const headers = new Headers()

  if (token) {
    headers.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)

  const response = await fetch(`/api/preview`, { headers })
  const data = await response.json()

  if (response.status === 200) {
  } else {
    throw new Error(data.message)

const exitEditMode = () => {
  return fetch(`/api/reset-preview`).then(() => {

const YourLayout = ({ error, children }) => {
  return (


GitHub's OAuth flow involves redirecting a user to a page on your website that will receive their authentication token payload. The useGithubAuthRedirect hook can be used to automatically receive this payload and make it available to the GitHub Client.

// pages/github/authorizing.tsx
// Our Github app redirects back to this page with auth code

import { useGithubAuthRedirect } from 'react-tinacms-github'

export default function Authorizing() {
  // Let the main app know, that we receieved an auth code from the Github redirect
  return (
      <h2>Authorizing with Github, Please wait...</h2>

Using GitHub Forms

Any forms that we have on our site can be created with the useGithubJsonForm or useGithubMarkdownForm helpers.

function BlogTemplate({ jsonFile }) {
  const formOptions = {
    label: 'Blog Post',
    fields: [],

  // Registers a JSON Tina Form
  const [data, form] = useGithubJsonForm(jsonFile, formOptions)

  // ...

useGithubJsonForm requires the GithubClient api to be registered with the CMS on the github namespace.

GitHub Delete Action

This is a delete action for the GitHub client.

It will delete the entire form file. So the primary use case would be dynamic pages like blog pages or docs pages. (Commonly used with markdown files but could be any file format)

Form Actions panel with Delete button


interface options {
  getTitle?: (form: Form) => string
  getFilePath?: (form: Form) => string
getTitleThis function takes in the form as its parameter and returns the title that will displayed in the delete action (Optional)
getFilePathThis function takes in the form as its parameter and returns the github file path that will be used when deleting the file in github (Optional)


import { CreateGithubDeleteAction } from 'tinacms-react-github'

const deleteAction = CreateGithubDeleteAction()
const formOptions = {
  label: 'Edit blog post',
  actions: [deleteAction],

Or if you want to change the title displayed in the modal

import { CreateGithubDeleteAction } from 'tinacms-react-github'

const deleteAction = CreateGithubDeleteAction({
    getTitle: (form)=>{
        return form.values.frontmatter.title
const formOptions = {
   label: "Edit blog post",
   actions: [deleteAction],
   fields: [
       name: "frontmatter.title",
       label: "Title",
       component: "text",

GithubFile and useGithubFile

The GithubFile class is a helper class to provide methods for manipulating a single file in your GitHub repo.


The GithubFile constructor takes four parameters: cms, path, parse, and serialize.

cmsAn instance of TinaCMS
pathFilepath, relative to repository root
parseFunction to deserialize file contents into an object
serializeFunction to serialize data object into a string


The GithubFile class has two public methods:

fetchFileWraps GithubClient#fetchFile; async function to retrieve file contents from GitHub API
commitWraps GithubClient#commit; async function to commit changes to a file

Usage Example

import { GithubFile } from 'react-tinacms-github'

async function example() {
  const navigationFile = new GithubFile(

  // get file contents from GitHub
  const navigation = await navigationFile.fetchFile()

  // modify the file data
  navigation.push({ url: '', title: 'TinaCMS' })

  // commit the updated file data
  await navigationFile.commit(navigation, 'Update navigation')


useGithubFile wraps the GithubFile class and is designed to be used from inside a Function Component.

interface UseGithubFileArgs {
  path: string
  parse?: parseFn
  serialize?: serializeFn

function useGithubFile(args: UseGithubFileArgs): GithubFile

useGithubFile is intended to provide a more flexible abstraction than the form helpers, giving you file manipulation methods that you can use in conjunction with useForm.

import { useGithubFile } from 'react-tinacms-github'
import { useForm, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'

export function Page(props) => {

  const { fetchFile, commit } = useGithubFile({
    path: 'content/home-page.json',
    parse: JSON.parse,
    stringify: JSON.stringify

  const [homepageData, homepageForm] = useForm({
    loadInitialValues: fetchFile,
    onSubmit: commit,

    id: 'home-page',
    label: 'Home Page',
    fields: [


Events and Alerts

The GithubClient defines several events:

Event NameDescription
github:commitA commit has been made to a file.
github:errorAn error was encountered when interacting with the GitHub API.
github:branch:checkoutThe client switched to a new branch.
github:branch:createA new branch was created in GitHub.


EventLevelDefault Message
github:commitSuccessSaved Successfully: Changes committed to {repo}
github:branch:checkoutInfoSwitched to branch {name}

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