The radio-group field represents a group of radio inputs. There are two variants that can be used, "radio" and "button", and can rendered in a "horizontal" or "vertical" direction. The "radio" variant in a "horizontal" direction is used by default.

TinaCMS Radio Group Field using a "radio" variant in a "horizontal" direction

The "radio" variant can be rendered in a vertical direction like so.

TinaCMS Radio Group Field using a "radio" variant in a "vertical" direction

This is what the radio group "button" variant will look like.

TinaCMS Radio Group Field using a "button" variant in a "horizontal" direction

The "button" variant can also have a "vertical" direction as well.

TinaCMS Radio Group Field using a "button" variant in a "vertical" direction


componentThe name of the plugin component. Always 'radio-group'.
nameThe path to some value in the data being edited.
optionsAn array of strings or Options to select from.
directionAn optional string indicating whether to render the radios in a "horizontal" or "vertical" orientation. This will default to "horizontal" if no value is passed. (Optional)
variantAn optional string indicating whether the "radio" or "button" variant should be used. This will default to "radio" if no value is passed. (Optional)
labelA human readable label for the field. Defaults to the name. (Optional)
descriptionDescription that expands on the purpose of the field or prompts a specific action. (Optional)
interface RadioGroupField {
  name: string
  component: string
  label?: string
  description?: string
  options: (Option | string)[]
  direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
  variant?: 'radio' | 'button'

type Option = {
  value: string
  label: string

These interfaces only show the keys unique to the radio group field.

Visit the Field Config docs for a complete list of options.

Example #1: Select an Rating

Below is an example of how a radio group field could be used to choose a rating of a customer review.

const ReviewForm = {
  fields: [
      component: 'radio-group',
      direction: 'vertical',
      name: 'frontmatter.rating',
      label: 'Rating',
      description: 'Choose a rating for this review',
      options: [
        { label: '★', value: 'one_star' },
        { label: '★★', value: 'two_star' },
        { label: '★★★', value: 'three_star' },
        { label: '★★★★', value: 'four_star' },
        { label: '★★★★★', value: 'five_star' },
    // ...

Example #2: Choose an Amount of Padding

Below is an example of how a radio group field could be used to set the amount of padding for a section on a page.

const SectionForm = {
  fields: [
      component: 'radio-group',
      variant: 'button',
      name: 'padding',
      label: 'Padding',
      description: 'Choose the amount of padding for this section',
      options: [
        { label: 'XS', value: 'xs' },
        { label: 'SM', value: 'sm' },
        { label: 'MD', value: 'md' },
        { label: 'LG', value: 'lg' },
        { label: 'XL', value: 'xl' },
    // ...