The group field represents a group of values. This field is best used when there is a single group to be edited, typically with a single JSON object or nested frontmatter values. If there are multiple groups, checkout the group-list field.



import { Field } from '@tinacms/core'

interface GroupConfig {
  name: string
  component: 'group'
  label?: string
  fields: Field[]
componentThe name of the plugin component. Always 'group'
nameThe path to some value in the data being edited.
fieldsAn array of Field values that will render as a sub-menu.
labelA human readable label for the field. Defaults to the name (Optional)
descriptionDescription that expands on the purpose of the field or prompts a specific action (Optional)


This interfaces only shows the keys unique to the group field.

Visit the Field Config docs for a complete list of options.


Below is an example of how a group field could be defined in a Gatsby JSON form. Read more on passing in JSON form field options here.

If the source JSON for the example contact info looked like this:

  "contact": {
    "email": "",
    "twitter_handle": "tina_cms",
    "github_handle": "tinacms"

Our form options would look like this:

const formOptions = {
  label: 'Info Page',
  fields: [
      label: 'Contact Info',
      name: '',
      description: 'Contact info',
      component: 'group',
      fields: [
          label: 'Email',
          name: 'email',
          description: 'Contact email',
          component: 'text',
          label: 'Twitter',
          name: 'twitter_handle',
          description: 'Twitter handle',
          component: 'text',
          label: 'Github',
          name: 'github_handle',
          description: 'Github username',
          component: 'text',