TinaCMS exposes some hooks that make it easy to extend. Most of these hooks exist on the <TinaCMS> container

Customizing a form or field with formifyCallback

With Tina, the form definition for a piece of content is generated automatically.

If you'd like to control the output of those forms, tap into the formifyCallback callback parameter on the root <TinaCMS> container.

Customizing a field

// pages/_app.js
import TinaCMS from 'tinacms'

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
  return (
      // ...
      formifyCallback={{ formConfig, createForm, skip }) => {
        return createForm({
          fields: formConfig.fields.map(field => {
            if (field.name === 'title') {
              // replace `text` with `textarea`
              field.component = 'textarea'
            return field
      {livePageProps => <Component {...livePageProps} />}

export default App

Customizing a form

// pages/_app.js
import TinaCMS from 'tinacms'

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
  return (
      // ...
      formifyCallback={({ formConfig, createForm, skip }) => {
        if (formConfig.id === 'getSiteNavsDocument') {
          const form = new Form(formConfig)
          // The site nav will be a global plugin
          cms.plugins.add(new GlobalFormPlugin(form))
          return form

        return createForm(formConfig)
      {livePageProps => <Component {...livePageProps} />}

export default App

Customizing the CMS instance

The root <TinaCMS> container has an optional cmsCallback parameter that can be added to customize the CMS instance.

// pages/_app.js
import TinaCMS from 'tinacms'

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
  return (
      // ...
      cmsCallback={cms => {
        cms.sidebar.position = 'overlay'
      {livePageProps => <Component {...livePageProps} />}

export default App

cmsCallback might be used to alter Tina's UI, dynamically hide the sidebar on certain pages, tap into the CMS event bus, etc.