With Tina, your content is stored in Git along with your codebase. Tina provides an API to query your content through GraphQL, based on your defined content models.


staticRequest is a helper function, which makes a request to your locally-running GraphQL server.

Example: Fetching content through getStaticProps

// pages/home.js
import { staticRequest } from 'tinacms'

const getStaticProps = async () => {
  const query = `
      query GetPostDocument($relativePath: String!) {
        getPostDocument(relativePath: $relativePath) {
          data {
  const variables = {
    relativePath: 'hello-world.md',

  let data = {}
  try {
    data = await staticRequest({
  } catch {
    // swallow errors related to document creation

  return {
    props: {
      //myOtherProp: 'some-other-data',

Note: for now, TinaCMS only supports static data fetching, so you must use getStaticProps (and getStaticPaths for dynamic pages). We'll be opening up more capabilities in the near future!

Example: Fetching content through getStaticPaths

You'll likely want to query the Tina data layer for dynamic routes.

export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
  const postsListData = await staticRequest({
    query: gql`
      query GetPostList {
        getPostList {
          edges {
            node {
              sys {

  return {
    paths: postsListData.getPostList.edges.map(post => ({
      params: { filename: post.node.sys.filename },


Do I need to use staticRequest?

Absolutely not. This is a helper function which emphasizes that static requests should only be made against your local server. The staticRequest helper function makes the request against http://localhost:4001, which is where @tinacms/cli runs its GraphQL server. Feel free to use any HTTP client you'd like.

Note, however, that it's important to return an object from getStaticProps which has data, query, and variables properties so the client-side TinaCMS container can make everything editable on your page.