Introducing Visual Open Authoring

By Scott Gallant

March 9, 2020

We're focused on improving the independent web as a whole. We want to craft tools that help people build better sites and create better content. In line with this mission, we sought to create

Gatsby + Tina 101

By Madelyn Eriksen

February 25, 2020

Static site generators like Gatsby are a massive win for developers. They provide us with automated deployments, faster development cycles, and reduced security burden. Despite the technical gains

Creating Field Plugins

By Kendall Strautman

February 17, 2020

In the previous post, we learned how to create a custom field component and register it to the sidebar. With that baseline, let's go full circle on the topic of custom fields in TinaCMS. In this

How to Make a Custom Field Component

By Kendall Strautman

January 20, 2020

Form fields are the bread and butter of any CMS. While Tina provides a solid collection of fields 'out-of-the-box', you can also create your own. This post will show you the basic concepts of how to

Export WordPress Content to Markdown and Gatsby

By Mitch MacKenzie

January 13, 2020

Say hello to the WordPress to Gatsby Markdown Exporter! It's a WordPress plugin to export posts, pages, and other content from WordPress to Markdown. A modern static site generator like GatsbyJS can

3 ways to edit Markdown with Tina + Gatsby

By Thomas Weibenfalk

January 9, 2020

Supercharge your static site with real-time content editing! 🚀 In this post, I will explore the three different methods Tina offers to edit Markdown on your Gatsby site. You’ll learn how to set up

Using TinaCMS on Gatsby Cloud

By James O'Halloran

January 3, 2020

We've recently written about how TinaCMS will work on the cloud. Gatsby Cloud offers a great way for editors to edit TinaCMS sites, without having to run a local development environment. Since Gatsby

How can my editors edit a TinaCMS site?

By James O'Halloran

December 23, 2019

TinaCMS allows you to build live-editing functionality directly into your site. Tina differs from other headless CMS's (e.g, NetlifyCMS, Contentful) which simply allow you to edit your

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