Meet James Perkins, our new developer advocate

May 26, 2021

By James Perkins

👋 Hey there! My names is James Perkins and I have been working on Tina for a week now, so I think it is important that I introduce myself and tell you what to expect from myself and Tina in the coming months.

James Perkins and Tina

Who Am I?

I am a developer who has been in the industry for just over twelve years. I started my journey in the tech space creating Java-based applications for a small software company. I have worked at Fortune 500 companies and also startups including Plaid and now of course Tina.

Now I've told you the industrial things, let's talk more about myself. I have always wanted to be a teacher and had planned years ago to become a college tutor when I retired. I thought this was one of the only ways to educate people who wanted to learn, of course, this was before YouTube became a place where people could go for education.

Fast forward to 2020 and I started creating online content via YouTube and blog posts to provide free education to people interested in learning web development through the Jamstack.

In my spare time you will find me Powerlifting, or hanging out with my wife and two dogs. I love to travel in our RV and can't wait to see some mountains and the ocean again this year, is there anything better than fresh ocean or mountain air?

Mountain Views from my RV

Why did I join the team?

I had been releasing crash courses for NextJS on a variety of product offerings including TinaCMS. When I started using Tina, I could just see the unlimited possibilities and the power behind it. The quote from my video was:

Tina is really powerful and I am going to show you only the surface of what it can do. — James Perkins

... I truly meant that.

After talking to Frank about their upcoming release of Tina Cloud and then with Scott about the vision for Tina I was invested. The vision was strong and Tina was already backing that vision, I was ready to sign on the dotted line.

What does this mean for Tina?

I will be focusing on integrating Tina into the developer and creator community. I will be writing content both in the form of blog posts and guides to help you get up and running with Tina.

Talking about community, I want to highlight community projects with our team and of course all the developers out there! If you have a site, plugin, video, or post featuring Tina please reach out and tag me and the Tina Twitter account so I can share it with our team, they love seeing things being built with our tech.

I will also be relaunching the Tina YouTube channel as a way to show off new features, basic setup and integration and of course guides for both beginners and power users of Tina. I have a really great video in the works already and I am excited to share it with everyone!

How can you keep up to date with Tina?

Make sure you are following our Twitter account: @tina_cms and my Twitter account @james_r_perkins to keep up with the latest news from Tina and the Jamstack community. You can also subscribe to the Tina YouTube Channel if you are interested in learning how to use Tina and our upcoming features in a video format.

Last Edited: May 26, 2021